property lien search miami
5710 SW 41 Street, South Miami, FL 33155
v. 305.668.8622 - f. 305.668.8626

Municipal Lien Search

This information is obtained for all properties in each state, regardless of whether they exist within city or county boundaries. The terms loosely used to describe this real estate based research are lien and code search, municipal lien search or muni search, lien search, and for properties located in Florida, an F.S. Chapter 159 search or Florida Chapter 159 search or a Chapter 159 lien search.

Regardless of the state where the property is located, this research is conducted solely as to unrecorded matters which would not otherwise be revealed in a title search or a search of the public records. Lien searches are available in multiple states.

Our lien search service includes a property debt report detailing the research requested, an invoice, a detailed invoice history for all invoices corresponding to the client file number or reference and all of the applicable comprehensive supporting back up obtained by our office. Based on what is requested it will typically include but may not be limited to:

Municipal lien letters as provided by various departments within the municipality

County lien letters as provided by various departments within the county

  • Code Enforcement Violations
  • Building Violations
  • Open/Expired Permits
  • Water Utility
  • Sewer Utility
  • Storm Water
  • Special Assessments
  • Solid Waste
  • Real Property Taxes